Customer Effort Score: The Forgotten Metric

Stephanie Tahseldar
5 min

In the realm of customer feedback metrics, Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) often steal the spotlight, leaving one crucial metric overlooked and underutilized: Customer Effort Score (CES). Despite its potential to uncover valuable insights and drive meaningful improvements, CES remains the forgotten metric in many organizations. In this article, we'll shine a light on CES, explore its significance in measuring customer satisfaction, and discuss why it deserves a prominent place in every company's feedback toolkit.

What is Customer Effort Score?

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a metric used to evaluate the ease of completing a specific interaction or task with a product or service. Unlike NPS, which measures customer sentiment, or CSAT, which measures overall satisfaction, CES focuses on the level of effort required from the customer to achieve their desired outcome. It typically asks customers to rate the statement, "The company made it easy for me to resolve my issue" or a similar question on a numerical scale.

The Importance of Reducing Customer Effort

Effortless experiences have become the gold standard for customer satisfaction in today's fast-paced world. Customers expect seamless interactions and minimal friction when engaging with products and services. High levels of customer effort can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction, and ultimately, churn. By reducing customer effort, organizations can improve retention, loyalty, and advocacy, making CES a critical metric for measuring and managing customer satisfaction.

Uncovering Hidden Pain Points

One of the key benefits of CES is its ability to uncover hidden pain points in the customer journey. While customers may be satisfied overall or willing to recommend a company, they may still encounter significant friction or difficulty during specific interactions. CES surveys shine a spotlight on these pain points, allowing organizations to identify areas for improvement and take action to streamline processes, eliminate barriers, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Driving Continuous Improvement

CES provides actionable insights that drive continuous improvement across the organization. By tracking CES scores over time and across different touchpoints, product managers can identify trends, monitor performance, and measure the impact of initiatives aimed at reducing customer effort. This data-driven approach empowers organizations to prioritize resources, make informed decisions, and deliver ongoing improvements that resonate with customers and drive loyalty.

Integrating CES into the Feedback Toolkit

To harness the full potential of CES, organizations must integrate it into their feedback toolkit alongside NPS and CSAT. By collecting and analyzing CES data alongside other metrics, organizations gain a holistic view of the customer experience and can identify correlations and patterns that inform strategic decision-making. By leveraging CES as part of a comprehensive feedback strategy, organizations can unlock valuable insights, drive meaningful improvements, and deliver exceptional experiences that delight customers and drive business success.


In an era defined by customer-centricity and digital transformation, reducing customer effort is paramount to success. Customer Effort Score (CES) provides a powerful tool for measuring and managing customer satisfaction, uncovering hidden pain points, and driving continuous improvement. By embracing CES as a central component of their feedback strategy, organizations can create effortless experiences that delight customers, build loyalty, and fuel long-term growth and success in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

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