Luke Hardy
Founder and CEO

In a business world that orbits around the customer, understanding your audience is paramount. Legendary marketers such as Alex Hormozi, Robert Cialdini, and Seth Godin have built their careers on a deep understanding of customer psychology, needs, and behaviors. But how does a business get to know its customers intimately? Enter microsurveys.

Part 1: The Power of Microsurveys:

Microsurveys, small, highly-targeted surveys, have emerged as a powerful tool for gathering actionable customer insights. They focus on one specific question or topic and take just a few seconds for customers to complete. These quick and simple surveys are a non-disruptive way of gathering real-time feedback, understanding customer behavior, testing new ideas, and more.

Part 2: Why Should You Use Microsurveys?

Microsurveys provide several advantages that make them an essential component of a customer-centric business strategy:

  1. Real-Time Feedback: Microsurveys provide instant insights about your customers’ needs, wants, and perceptions. This real-time feedback can be a game-changer for businesses looking to quickly iterate and improve their products or services.
  2. High Response Rate: Due to their brevity and specificity, microsurveys often have higher response rates than traditional surveys.
  3. Easy Integration: Microsurveys can be integrated at multiple touchpoints - website, email, social media, or even within your product or service - making it easier to capture customer insights.

Part 3: How to Use Microsurveys Effectively?

Crafting an effective microsurvey involves a keen understanding of customer behavior and psychology. Here are some strategic steps you can follow:

  • Identify the Objective: Be clear about what you want to know. Are you seeking feedback on a specific feature or the overall customer experience? Defining your objective will guide your question development.
  • Keep It Short and Simple: Limit the survey to one question or a few related questions. The question(s) should be simple, straightforward, and easy to understand.
  • Choose the Right Time: Timing is critical. Choose a time when the customer has recently interacted with your product or service and their experience is fresh in their mind.
  • Act on the Feedback: Use the feedback to inform your business decisions, improve customer experience, and shape your product or service. Sharing the changes you make based on feedback can also make customers feel valued and heard.

Part 4: Apple's Exception - A Unique Case Study:

It's important to note that not all successful companies follow the typical route of direct customer engagement. A case in point is Apple, the tech giant known for its secretive approach to product development.

Apple's focus on innovation, quality, and user-centered design has enabled them to anticipate customer needs and deliver products that resonate with users. They also have an effective system for gathering post-launch feedback and continually refining their products based on user responses.

However, Apple's approach might not be feasible or effective for all businesses. It requires a deep understanding of user behavior, strong innovation capabilities, and a high tolerance for risk. Therefore, for most businesses, engaging customers directly through tools like microsurveys remains a critical strategy for understanding and meeting customer needs.


In an era where customers hold the keys to business success, microsurveys offer a quick and effective way to unlock customer insights and improve business outcomes. While there are exceptions like Apple, the vast majority of businesses will benefit greatly from regularly talking to their customers and acting on their feedback. Microsurveys make it easier than ever to maintain an ongoing dialogue with your customers, and they should be a part of every marketer's toolkit.

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